Asset Tracking
How Asset Tracking Software Can Help Food & Beverages Industry?

How Asset Tracking Software Can Help Food & Beverages Industry?

Asset Tracking F&B

Most of us have eaten at leading restaurants. Things look so calm and controlled, people are relaxed and enjoying their food and drinks. However, that's the front face of the restaurant. At the back, workers and chefs are busy preparing food. It's a beehive of activity there.

The kitchen environment can be tense during rush hours. Orders keep pouring in. One is getting ready even as another is announced and then the next and so on. It would be no wonder if the orders get mixed, but that is precisely what nobody wants. The chefs are under pressure to literally dish out the best fare to the waiting consumers.

The chef's table can look quite messy. At the same time, inventory also needs to be taken care of. Customers cannot be kept waiting and don't like it either.

How Asset Tracking Can Help the F&B Industry?

Asset tracking helps the F&B industry in numerous ways:

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Real-Time Inventory Tracking

Inventories are consumable things or items that an organization or restaurant owns and uses for its daily operations. Inventory tracking refers to the tracking of non-unique items or items of value used in a restaurant. The inventories include stock, supplies, and a score of items that are so many in numbers, e.g. oil, condiments, vegetables, pulses, cereals, etc.

Inventory tracking helps by letting you know how much supplies are left in stock. It keeps track of the inventory on daily, weekly, and monthly basis usage. One of the main purposes of real-time asset tracking is also to keep materials and utilize them before they expire.

Equipment Tracking

Tracking assets in a restaurant can be a challenging task, especially when there are several branches in a restaurant. Assets can either be small or big in size. They are also prone to theft. Asset tracking software helps in knowing the real-time location of each asset.

For example, if there are delivery vehicles, you can keep track of them in real-time. It can be known if they are on the move or they are actually stationary. Who is using a particular asset? What is the current status of the vehicle?

The tracking software provides precise and exact data for such questions. Asset tracking software is also required for depreciation tracking and computing the value of each asset.

For maintenance activity, the equipment maintenance software plays a key role. It ensures that assets are kept in a good position and are working efficiently. It thus assists in optimizing the asset's performance. Moreover, it can enhance the asset life by enabling regular maintenance and minimize the risks of an unexpected breakdown of assets.

Equipment Maintenance

Maintaining an asset in good condition is necessary in order to organize and streamline daily activities. Maintenance also means keeping assets in hygienic conditions. When dealing with food service, hygiene becomes extremely crucial. If the general level of cleanliness and hygiene is not maintained up to the standard, the service suffers, so does the brand and its reputation.

There are many appliances and equipment in the kitchens of restaurants, such as the HVAC system, that need maintenance on a regular basis. If they are not maintained, the bottom line of the business will take a damaging blow.

Managing Utility

Managing utility services assists the restaurant in managing, monitoring, analyzing, and creating reports on utility consumption. This helps in handling and saving on utility bills.

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The biggest advantage of the software is setting alerts for consumption thresholds. The system sends alerts and notification when the consumption limit is exceeded or is about to end.

With utility monitoring, the consumption parameters of the HVAC system, electrical operations, chiller plant, water consumption, etc. can be effectively managed.

Statistical Data

If a hotel or restaurant is equipped with asset tracking management software, the can get analytical reports and data. This eventually helps in engaging with the customer more efficiently. It assists in optimizing daily operations as well.

Through the software, you can calculate how much raw material is utilized in order to prepare to serve the perfect dishes. This helps in determining prices for the different items on the menu. It can also lead to other interesting data like which dishes are more popular among customers.

Asset Tracking Software Food Industry

Which Technology Is Used for Asset & Equipment Tracking?

For tracking assets and equipment, there are several techniques available, such as Barcode, QR Code (Quick Response Code), RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), NFC tracking (Near Field Communication), BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy), GPS (Global Positioning System), IoT (Internet of Things), etc.

In accordance with the suitability to the organization, any of these technologies can be used for the purpose of tracking. The main point to decide is which method to go for and how to proceed with the further steps.

Let us say you decide to go with QR Code technology. This has a black square grid that is readable via the QR Code scanner. This technology is very popular due to its quick readability and greater storage capacity. Once the QR Code is scanned via a scanner, it stores all the information in the software system. The user can then check all the activities related to those assets.


In any restaurant or food-service organization, asset management software is required as it assists in capturing essential data on assets and also in managing and monitoring them. Additionally, the system takes care of utility consumption also. Thus, food and beverage inventory software helps in keeping the assets in peak condition and provides analytics about operating results such as costs, consumption, etc.

This application provides a complete view of the supply chain, bringing wide scope, in-depth functionality and configurability to meet the requirements of the F&B industry today.

In order to grow the business and optimize daily operations, the software plays a crucial role. There are many factors in the food & beverage industry that need to be complied with. Keeping a manual track of the work is well-nigh impossible.

A restaurant has great potential to grow business and expand the bottom line of the business group. In order to achieve that, an effective solution is needed. This is what the software solution is all about. Therefore, the asset tracking software is essential for organizations. It can provide that extra edge to the business.

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