FMCG Asset Tracking & Management Software

A Necessity for Operational Excellence

In the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry, where efficiency and precision are critical, effective asset tracking is essential for maintaining operational excellence and ensuring product quality. Asset Infinity's FMCG asset management software offers a sophisticated, user-friendly platform that integrates advanced technologies like RFID, GPS, and QR/Barcode scanning. This enables real-time tracking, minimizes downtime, and supports predictive maintenance.

FMCG Asset Management Lifecycle using
Asset Infinity

Acquisition & Asset Information

This initial stage involves logging new FMCG assets into Asset Infinity. All essential details such as purchase date, cost, and initial deployment are recorded, offering a centralized system for all asset information.

Deployment & Mobile Accessibility

Assets are assigned to their specific roles and locations within FMCG settings, such as manufacturing equipment, warehousing tools, and delivery vehicles. Mobile apps enable on-the-go access to asset information, enhancing flexibility in asset management.

Utilization Monitoring & Workflows

Continuous monitoring of asset usage and defined workflows automate asset management tasks, providing insights into performance and operational efficiency.

Check In/Out and RFID Technology

Management of asset movements with check-ins and check-outs recorded to track the custody and location of assets, using RFID handhelds and fixed readers for precise tracking.

Maintenance Tracking & Asset Reminders

Regular updates on maintenance schedules are maintained, with asset reminders for upcoming maintenance checks and inspections, ensuring asset reliability and safety.

Asset Coding and Audits

A structured coding system for easy asset identification is established, and regular audits and physical counting enhance verification and asset tracking accuracy.

Decommission and Asset Disposals

Final phase where assets that are no longer serviceable or obsolete are decommissioned and prepared for disposal or recycling. The system manages the disposal process efficiently, ensuring regulatory compliance.
Acquisition & Asset Information
Deployment & Mobile Accessibility
Utilization Monitoring & Workflows
Check In/Out and RFID Technology
Maintenance Tracking & Asset Reminders
Asset Coding and Audits
Decommission and Asset Disposals

 Advantages of Asset Infinity in FMCG Asset Management

Reduce Downtime

Asset Infinity enhances operational uptime through its real-time tracking capabilities. Utilizing RFID handhelds, GPS monitoring, and QR/Barcode technology allows FMCG managers to locate and update the status of assets instantly. This immediate access to asset information speeds up responses for equipment needs, repairs, or replacements, keeping all assets in motion and maximizing productivity

Cost Efficiency

The system's detailed asset management capabilities provide insights into utilization patterns and maintenance histories, crucial for optimizing asset use and avoiding over-purchasing or underutilization. By leveraging Asset Infinity's automated depreciation calculations and streamlined asset disposal processes, organizations can significantly reduce lifecycle costs and operational expenditures

Ensure Compliance

Asset Infinity supports rigorous compliance with industry regulations through meticulous record-keeping and automated reporting. Features like maintenance and inspection reminders, coupled with automated workflows, ensure all assets are maintained in accordance with safety standards and operational regulations. This automated system not only reduces the risk of human error but also ensures that all compliance data is up-to-date and readily accessible for audits

Reduce Downtime

Asset Infinity enhances operational uptime through its real-time tracking capabilities. Utilizing RFID handhelds, GPS monitoring, and QR/Barcode technology allows aviation managers to locate and update the status of assets instantly. This immediate access to asset information speeds up responses for equipment needs, repairs, or replacements, keeping all assets in motion and maximizing productivity. This streamlined process is vital for effective aviation asset tracking

Cost Efficiency

The system's detailed aviation asset management capabilities provide insights into utilization patterns and maintenance histories, which are crucial for optimizing asset use and avoiding over-purchasing or underutilization. By leveraging Asset Infinity's automated depreciation calculations and streamlined asset disposal processes, organizations can significantly reduce lifecycle costs and operational expenditures, leading to noticeable cost savings. These features are fundamental for maintaining cost efficiency in aircraft asset management

Ensure Compliance

Asset Infinity supports rigorous compliance with industry regulations through meticulous record-keeping and automated reporting. Features like maintenance and inspection reminders, coupled with automated workflows, ensure all assets are maintained in accordance with safety standards and operational regulations. This automated system not only reduces the risk of human error but also ensures that all compliance data is up-to-date and readily accessible for audits, enhancing the organization's ability to meet regulatory requirements effortlessly. These capabilities make Asset Infinity a crucial tool for aircraft asset management company looking to enhance safety and airline asset management compliance

RFID Technology in the FMCG Sector

Optimizing Equipment and Multi-Store Operations with RFID Solutions

In the FMCG industry, effectively managing and tracking assets like coolers, vending machines, and promotional stands is crucial, especially across multiple retail locations. Asset Infinity’s RFID solutions offer sophisticated tracking capabilities that enhance the management of these assets, ensuring they are utilized efficiently and effectively to drive sales and improve customer engagement

Enhancing FMCG Asset Management with RFID Technology:

Efficient Tracking of Coolers and Vending Machines

RFID technology enables FMCG companies to monitor the placement, usage, and operational status of coolers and vending machines in real-time. This ensures that these critical assets are functioning optimally, are well-maintained, and are correctly stocked to meet consumer demand.

Real-Time Location Tracking

Quickly locate coolers and vending machines across various sites to monitor their usage and performance

Operational Efficiency

Monitor the operational health of these machines to address any functional issues promptly, ensuring they are always ready to serve customers

Improved Management of Promotional Stands and Equipment

RFID tags can be used to track promotional stands and marketing equipment, making sure they are effectively deployed at events and retail locations. This tracking helps maximize the visibility of promotions and increases the impact of marketing campaigns

Asset Deployment Optimization

Use RFID data to ensure that promotional materials are deployed in high-traffic areas, enhancing consumer engagement and campaign effectiveness

Event and Promotion Tracking

Monitor the setup and breakdown of promotional stands during events, streamlining operations and reducing the workload on staff

Multi-Store Asset Coordination

Managing assets across multiple store locations can be challenging. RFID technology provides a centralized system to track and manage assets distributed across various locations, simplifying logistics and improving asset utilization

Centralized Asset Visibility

Gain a comprehensive view of where assets are located across all stores, facilitating better planning and redistribution of assets as needed

Enhanced Asset Utilization

Ensure optimal use of all assets, reducing unnecessary purchases and maximizing the ROI on existing resources

Seamless Integration with Retail Operations

Integrating RFID with existing retail management systems allows for seamless operations and enhanced data-driven decision-making. This integration helps retailers manage their assets more effectively and tailor their strategies based on accurate, real-time information

Inventory and Asset Insights

Obtain valuable insights into consumer interactions with products and assets like coolers and vending machines, informing restocking and maintenance schedules

Data-Driven Marketing Strategies

Leverage RFID-generated data to understand consumer behavior patterns and adjust marketing and promotional strategies to increase sales and customer engagement

Explore Our RFID Solutions

Asset Infinity’s RFID solutions in the FMCG sector are specifically designed to improve the management and efficiency of high-value assets like coolers, vending machines, and promotional stands. By implementing RFID technology, FMCG companies can ensure these assets are optimally used and maintained, enhancing overall operational efficiency and driving greater consumer satisfaction across multiple retail environments

Asset Infinity in Action: Managing Essential FMCG Assets

Asset Infinity excels at enhancing the efficiency and compliance of various asset management processes within the FMCG industry. From manufacturing to distribution, here’s a detailed look at how different features of Asset Infinity are applied to manage and optimize FMCG assets effectively.

Manufacturing Equipment Management

Using advanced RFID tagging and GPS monitoring, Asset Infinity tracks equipment locations and availability. This ensures optimal usage of machinery and resources, aiding in quick decisions for maintenance, storage, and scheduling, crucial for FMCG asset management

Audit and Compliance

Automated audit trails and physical counting features simplify the verification of assets against regulatory requirements. This capability is essential for maintaining high standards of compliance, crucial for safety and operational certifications in FMCG asset management.

Check-In/Check-Out Systems

For tools and equipment used in FMCG manufacturing, Asset Infinity's asset tracking system ensures that items are accounted for and returned on time. This system minimizes the loss of expensive tools and equipment.

RFID Tagging for Real-Time Tracking

Critical for high-value assets, RFID tagging allows real-time location tracking of everything from manufacturing parts to warehouse inventory. This feature is crucial for immediate retrieval and efficient use of assets in day-to-day operations.

Asset Disposal and Decommissioning

Efficiently manage the end-of-life process for outdated or unusable equipment with Asset Infinity’s disposal features. The system tracks asset depreciation and provides workflows for disposal, ensuring environmental and regulatory compliance


Automate depreciation calculations for financial reporting and tax purposes. Asset Infinity provides accurate depreciation schedules for assets, helping finance teams manage budgets and forecast future asset investments.

Safety Gear Tracking

Utilize Asset Infinity to manage safety equipment like protective gear for workers. Regular inspection schedules and maintenance tracking ensure that all safety gear meets current standards and is ready for use.

Inventory Management

Asset Infinity helps in tracking and managing the lifecycle of FMCG products. Through RFID tags and GPS monitoring, warehouses can ensure that inventory systems are always operational, scheduling preventive maintenance before breakdowns occur. This not only reduces downtime but also enhances the customer experience by ensuring products are handled efficiently.

Distribution and Delivery Equipment

From delivery trucks to pallet jacks, managing distribution equipment with Asset Infinity ensures that all tools and vehicles are accounted for, in good condition, and available when needed. The system sends reminders for regular inspections and maintenance, helping to adhere to strict distribution protocols and safety standards.

IT and Communications Equipment

Asset Infinity’s IT agent-based discovery and management tools keep track of all IT assets within the FMCG environment. This includes everything from server hardware to handheld communication devices, ensuring they are fully operational and up-to-date with the latest software patches and security protocols

Enhancing FMCG Operations with Asset Infinity

Asset Infinity significantly enhances operational efficiencies, safety, and compliance in the FMCG industry. Here's how this asset management solution drives improvements

Optimized Operations and Faster Turnaround Times

Real-time tracking and immediate asset updates reduce turnaround times, leading to more efficient production schedules and increased operational throughput.

Reduction in Delays

Scheduled maintenance and timely repairs ensure all assets are operational, minimizing equipment-related delays and maintaining a smooth workflow

Cost Savings

Managing the entire lifecycle of assets from acquisition to disposal optimizes asset use, automates depreciation, and reduces unnecessary expenditures, achieving significant cost reductions.

Enhanced Security, Compliance, and Safety

Features like RFID tagging, GPS monitoring, and automated audits ensure compliance with strict FMCG regulations, enhancing security and promoting a safety-first culture.

Improved Customer Experience

Efficient operations translate into fewer delays and disruptions, boosting customer satisfaction with more reliable service.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Comprehensive analytics and reporting provide insights into asset performance, supporting informed strategic decisions that improve efficiency and reduce costs

*No Credit Card Required

Leading the Way in FMCG Asset Management: The Asset Infinity


Asset Infinity is distinguished in the FMCG sector for its comprehensive approach to asset management, combining user-friendly interfaces with cutting-edge technology and dedicated support. Here’s why it’s the preferred choice for FMCG asset management

Enhanced Usability

Asset Infinity is engineered for simplicity and efficiency, making it easy for FMCG professionals to navigate complex asset management tasks. Its intuitive interface allows for quick access to critical information, streamlined processes, and simplified training.

Advanced Technological Integration

With the integration of RFID, GPS monitoring, and QR/Barcode scanning, Asset Infinity provides unparalleled real-time tracking capabilities. This technology ensures precise monitoring and management of critical FMCG assets, from manufacturing parts to distribution equipment

Robust Customer Support

Asset Infinity understands the high stakes of FMCG operations and offers exceptional support services. This includes 24/7 technical assistance, extensive training materials, and continuous system updates

IT Agent-Based Discovery

This functionality automates the detection and logging of IT assets within the FMCG environment, facilitating instant asset management and maintaining an updated inventory of all technological resources.

Advanced RFID Capabilities

Beyond basic tracking, Asset Infinity’s RFID technology provides comprehensive management features that support intricate workflows, automate tracking processes, and maintain detailed historical records of asset movements and statuses.

GPS Monitoring

The GPS tracking feature is crucial for managing the logistics of mobile FMCG assets. It ensures that vehicles, equipment, and even personnel are precisely where they need to be, contributing to improved efficiency and enhanced security protocols.

Relevant Features

For IT Managers, Asset Infinity offers a tailored solution encompassing hardware inventory management, software license tracking, streamlined IT asset maintenance, efficient deployment and decommissioning processes, and real-time asset tracking. This comprehensive suite empowers IT Managers to optimize asset performance, ensure compliance, and enhance security effortlessly

IT Asset Management Software - Asset Infinity
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Hardware Inventory Management

Maintain a centralized database of hardware assets, including computers, servers, peripherals, and networking equipment

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Software License Tracking

Keep track of software licenses, ensuring compliance and avoiding potential legal risks due to license violations

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IT Asset Maintenance

Schedule and manage maintenance tasks for IT assets, ensuring optimal performance and reducing downtime risks

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Asset Deployment & Decommissioning

Streamline asset deployment processes
and ensure the proper retirement of
IT assets

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Real-Time IT Asset Tracking

Track IT asset locations and statuses in real-time, enabling prompt action in case of theft
or loss

FMCG Asset Management Excellence with Asset Infinity

Before Implementation After Implementation
Operational Efficiency Operations were often slowed by manual tracking errors and the lack of real-time data, leading to inefficient resource use and increased delays. Asset Infinity's real-time tracking and automated workflows streamline operations, significantly reducing turnaround times and enhancing decision-making speed.
Asset Management Precision Manual management led to inaccuracies, misplaced or under-utilized assets, and delayed maintenance updates With advanced tracking technologies like RFID, GPS, and QR/Barcodes, Asset Infinity ensures precise monitoring, timely maintenance alerts, and optimal asset health.
Cost-Effectiveness High costs from mismanaged assets, unnecessary asset purchases, and financial losses due to unplanned downtime. Efficient asset lifecycle management, including smart depreciation calculations and strategic disposal, cuts unnecessary expenditures and operational costs.
Performance Metrics Improvement Data indicated high asset-related delays and frequent compliance violations, impacting operational reliability. Post-implementation data reveals a significant decrease in asset-related delays by 40% and a reduction in compliance issues by 50%, demonstrating improved operational reliability and adherence to regulatory standards.

FMCG Asset Tracking & Management Software FAQ's

What is FMCG asset tracking and management software?

FMCG asset tracking and management software is a digital tool designed to monitor, manage, and optimize the handling and utilization of assets across the FMCG supply chain, from production facilities to distribution centers and retail outlets

How does asset tracking software benefit the FMCG industry?
  • Increased Efficiency: Streamlines the management of assets, reducing time spent tracking physical inventory manually.
  • Reduced Losses: Minimizes the risk of asset misplacement or theft, ensuring that products and equipment are accounted for
  • Enhanced Decision Making: Provides real-time data that helps managers make informed decisions about asset maintenance, deployment, and investment
What types of assets can be tracked using this software in the FMCG sector?
  • Production Equipment: Track the usage and location of machinery and equipment used in the manufacturing of FMCG products
  • Transportation Assets: Monitor vehicles and other transportation assets to ensure timely delivery and logistical efficiency
  • Retail Displays: Keep track of display units and promotional materials to ensure optimal placement and visibility in retail settings
 Can FMCG asset tracking software help in reducing operational costs?
  • Cost Reduction: Yes, by providing detailed insights into asset utilization and maintenance needs, the software helps reduce wasteful expenditures and optimize the lifecycle of assets, ultimately lowering operational costs.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Schedules and tracks maintenance for assets to prevent costly breakdowns and extend asset life.
 How does asset tracking software integrate with other business systems in the FMCG industry?
  • ERP Integration: Seamlessly integrates with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems to synchronize data across financial, logistical, and supply chain operations.
  • Data Consistency: Ensures that all systems are updated with the latest asset information, improving accuracy and reducing discrepancies
What features should FMCG companies look for in asset tracking and management software?
  • Real-Time Tracking: Capability to provide real-time updates on the location and status of assets.
  • Scalability: Ability to scale with the business, accommodating more assets as the company grows.
  • User-Friendly Interface: An intuitive interface that can be easily used by personnel at all levels within the organization.
How does FMCG asset tracking software enhance regulatory compliance?
  • Compliance Features: Helps ensure compliance with industry regulations by maintaining detailed logs of asset usage, maintenance, and disposal.
  • Audit Readiness: Keeps accurate records that can be easily accessed during audits, reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties
What are the challenges of implementing FMCG asset tracking software, and how can they be overcome?
  • Technical Integration: Integrating new software with existing systems can be challenging. Working with experienced providers who offer full support and training can ease this process.
  • Employee Adoption: Ensuring that all relevant staff are trained and understand the benefits of the system is crucial for successful implementation. Regular training sessions and highlighting the software’s benefits can aid adoption.
How does asset tracking software support sustainability initiatives in the FMCG sector?

Sustainability Support: By optimizing the use of assets and reducing waste, the software supports broader sustainability goals. It also helps in making more environmentally friendly decisions regarding asset disposal and recycling